Apple – Nova Spy – 18′ to 20′ Semi Dwarf LOVES GARRETT COUNTY WINTERS


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Nova Spy, 3′ to 6′ bareroot tree. Semi-dwarf, 80% of Standard Size. Will grow to approximately 20′ tall. Free-standing tree when mature.

Availability: 12 in stock


Nova Spy is an improved version of the Northern Spy. Improved meaning it only takes three to five years to bear, rather than the 10 years it takes Northern Spy to bear. Otherwise, Nova Spy very much resembles Northern Spy. The apples are large in size and have a sweet-tart flavor, loaded with juiciness.

Northern Spy apples have long been valued for their winter hardiness, long-lived trees and disease resistance. In fact, most rootstocks use Northern Spy as their base. Nova Spy retains these qualities.

Nova Spy is a late bloomer, but its blossoms will take a hard frost and still bear fruit in the advent of those late Garrett County cold spells. Additionally, its branches have the ability to withstand heavy snow loads, being able to bend extensively without breaking.

Nova Spy is great for fresh eating, juice, cider, and baking. Its high juice content makes it a favorite for cider.

We put it on a semi-dwarf rootstock that will get approximately 18′ to 20′ high. This rootstock is sturdier than many that you find in the stores and will allow the tree to hold up under the pressure of being loaded with heavy fruit.

Pollinate with Northern Spy, GoldRush, Fuji, Golden Delicious, Crimson Crisp, Wolf River or Summer Rambo


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