Cherry – Montmorency – #1 COMMERCIAL CHERRY – Only a few left!


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1 – 3′ to 6′, bareroot Montmorency Cherry tree. This is a standard size cherry tree and will reach a height of around 15′.

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Montmorency is a tart cherry, so it is great for pies and baking. Montmorency is extremely cold hardy; therefore, it is the number one most grown cherry cultivar for northern regions.

As is the case with most cherries, they need well drained soil, so don’t plant it where it where the ground stays consistently wet. This tree is grafted onto a rootstock that is drought tolerant. It resists Bacterial Canker and is moderately resistant to crown gall and root-lesion nematode. Montmorency has been cultivated in the US since the early 20th century. Currently, it is the most used cherry for pies, jams and jellies. (Think about those cans of cherry pie filling in the store!). Cherries from Montmorency are also good for drying and juice.

And don’t forget about wildlife. Cherries make an excellent food source for birds and other wildlife. Consider planting a few extra for the birds!

Montmorency is self-pollinating and you can use it to pollinate Kristen Sweet Cherrys.

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