Raspberry – Red – Jaclyn – WHO DOESN’T LOVE A RED RASPBERRY!


Pick Up Only - We do not ship items

1 – Northern Red Raspberry plant. Will come potted in a 3.25″ container.

Be aware that these red raspberry plants grow on Primocanes. That means they are first year canes. When you receive you plant in mid-April, it will have only been actually growing for a few weeks, so it will be smaller than our other fruit bushes, some of which may be a couple years old. It would not be unusual for a primocane raspberry plant to be only 2″ to 4″ high at that point. If we supplied you with a two-year plant, it would die in the fall because second-year canes on this plant die out in the fall of the second year.


Jaclyn is a northern red raspberry that has been grown successfully in our area by some of our commercial farmers as well as home gardeners for quite a number of years. It is known for its sturdy, vigorous canes and high yields. It was developed through a breeding cooperative between Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey and Wisconsin in 2008.

Jaclyn has a fat, conic shape. The berries are bright red until ripe, when they turn a darker purplish red. It has ranked first in a variety of taste-tests.

Jaclyn ripens early but it is resistant to pre-mature fruit drop, which often happens due to high winds and rainstorms.

Jaclyn ripens around the end of July to mid-August. It’s berries grow on first year canes. (Primocanes)

PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT IN THE EVENT THAT WE SELL OUT OF JACLYN, WE RESERVE THE OPTION TO SUBSTITUTE A SIMILAR VARIETY WITHOUT NOTICE. Please be aware that you are purchasing a northern red raspberry, with our first preference for filling your order being Jaclyn if possible.

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