The Garrett Soil Conservation District
Fruit Tree and Bush Sale
Your Purchase Helps the District help our community
Our tree sale is open!!
Order now for pick up in April of 2025.
Pick up will be Thursday, April 10 and Friday, April 11. You can pick up either day. We will be here from 9 am to 7 pm both days. The pick up location is at Garrett Soil Conservation District parking lot, 1916 Maryland Hwy, Mt. Lake Park, MD 21550. Please be advised that we DO NOT ship items.
Update: Many of our trees are sold out. But we do still have some. Please check the “Store” page for varieties available. All of the bushes are still available, but we can only accept orders for them until April 1.
We were able to get a few more of some of the most popular varieties of trees, but there are only a few. If you are interested, we recommend you order as soon as possible.
Why Buy?
Customized – All of our Trees and Bushes have been customized to Garrett County’s unique growing climate, with better cold-hardiness, more disease resistance, and deeper rooting to produce a sturdier tree with better drought tolerance.
Size Variety – We have dwarf, smaller semi-dwarf, and semi dwarf sizes this year.
Affordability – Our goal is to encourage tree planting, so pricing is as low as possible. Yet, quality is high. Trees will come 5′ to 6′ tall and most will have have 1/2″ to 5/8″ diameter trunks.
Helping the Community – This is a fundraiser, so proceeds from your purchase go toward helping us with outreach in our community.
Learn about which varieties will pollinate each other. Plus:
- Mature size
- Ripening Dates
- Cold-hardiness
Want to know what your trees and bushes will look like when you pick them up? Check out these photos from last year’s sale.
The GSCD Scholarship is just one of the outreach projects we support. Learn more about the scholarship and this year’s winner.
Fund Raiser
For Garrett Soil Conservation District
Purchase Online
Pick up on Distribution Day
Help the Environment
While helping the community
Fruit Trees
Selected to grow in our area. Apple, pear, cherry, northern peach, and plum trees.
Package Deals
Set of 4 blueberries that ripen consecutively.
Fruit bushes. Blueberry, Raspberry, and Elderberry.
Why We Chose These Varieties
We have selected APPLE trees that are superior for different applications:
- Heirloom – Summer Rambo, Wolf River, Yellow Transparent, Northern Spy
- Organic/No Spray – Freedom, GoldRush, Wolf River, Nova Spy, Northern Spy
- Fresh Eating – Crimson Crisp, Fuji, Freedom, GoldRush, Golden Delicious, Nova Spy, Summer Rambo, Northern Spy
- Apple Sauce – Yellow Transparent, Grandma’s applesauce apple; Wolf River, the 1800’s apple that has never been duplicated; and Summer Rambo, a Garrett County favorite.
- Baking – All of them can be used for baking. Summer Rambo, Wolf River, Yellow Transparent, and Northern Spy have won many baking awards.
- Cider – Wolf River, Northern Spy, Nova Spy, Summer Rambo, GoldRush
- Beginning Grower – GoldRush, Freedom, Wolf River, Nova Spy
- Storage – GoldRush, Fuji, Northern Spy
- Wildlife Food Source – They all make a great source of food for wildlife as well as us humans
- Exceptional Disease Resistance – Freedom, GoldRush, Northern Spy, Nova Spy
Blueberry Package (4 bushes)
We have selected blueberry varieties that ripen one after another, so if you plant all four varieties, you’ll have blueberries for weeks each summer!

CHERRY – Montmorency – The #1 Commercial Cherry and Kristen, a sweet cherry that will grow in Garrett County!
PLUM – The super disease resistant Kenmore NY9; Bluebyrd, a truly Black Knot resistant variety for sandy and silt loom soils; and Long John, a Black Knot resistant plum for heavy clay soils!
PEAR – Shenandoah, a Fire Blight resistant variety born in Appalachia; Seckel, the highly disease resistant dessert pear; and Harrow Sweet, the most Fire Blight resistant northern pear we could find.
We had a lot of requests for peaches, but we didn’t want to offer them until we were sure we could make peaches available that would grow here in Garrett County. Now, here they are!
Veteran – One of the most cold-hardy peaches in existence.
Contender – A cold-hardy, disease resistant peach that has seen success in Garrett County for several decades.
Rotarian Rose – a northern White Peach, believe it or not! Rotarian Rose is so cold-tolerant that it will actually grow in zone 4.

Black Raspberries – known to have antioxidants that fight cancer.
Red Raspberries – a healthy and tasty summer treat.
ELDERBERRIES – Bob Gordon which is, believe it or not, resistant to Japanese Beetles and Ranch, a super hardy cultivar.

Featured Trees and Bushes
This is only a sampling of the items that we have available. Click on the “See All Choices” or the “Shop Now” button below to view our catalog.
Our trees and bushes have been selected specifically for Garrett County’s harsh climate. And we have tried to give you a lot of information about each one so that you can find good fits.
But if you do need advice about tree or bush selection or about planting, feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to help.
Where the Money Goes
Garrett Soil Conservation District uses funds from things like this tree sale to provide a valuable service to the community.
Here are just a few examples.
Cristy Enlow was the 2023 winner of the Garrett SCD Board of Supervisor’s Scholarship in the amount of $1000. She enrolled in Potomac State College last fall where she is studying Agribusiness Management and Sustainable Agriculture Entrepreneurship. Learn more about Cristy and the scholarship.
$1000 Scholarship
Supporting local students working toward careers in agriculture and natural resources
The District helps protect the soil and water in Garrett County through its many programs. And did you know they also help protect endangered wildlife, like the little Golden-Winged Warbler? Although the MDA and the County help the District with administrative costs, only specific things are covered. The District also has to raise funding to pay for many of their expenses to continue services to the community.
Administrative Costs
To operate the Garrett SCD
Each year Garrett Soil Conservation District sponsors the Garrett County Envirothon to help students learn about conservation. GSCD also holds contests and provides other educational opportunities.
Envirothon and other Educational Opportunities
Helping students learn about conservation
PIck-up Day will be in April 2025
All orders must be picked up at our pick-up location on Pick-up Day. The location and date will be announced as it draws closer. The pick-up location will be in Garrett County, Maryland.
We are sorry, but we cannot ship any items.